Studying A Study and Testing a Test: Reading Evidence-based Health Research
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Studying A Study and Testing a Test: Reading Evidence-based Health Research

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Ideal for clinical students including medical, nursing, pharmacy, dental, physician assistant and more!

Evidence-based information plays a critical role in clinical practice decisions. Secondary sources are often unreliable; it€s up to the student, then, to critically assess peer-reviewed research literature. Using a highly structured yet accessible method, this best-selling text teaches students to critically analyze research from primary sources.

Step-by-step approach€“ learn to recognize a meaningful study, clues to potential study flaws, and ways to apply solid evidence in clinical practice

Simple 6-point framework€“ learn to evaluate studies in terms of the author€s trademark mnemonic device, M.A.A.R.I.E. (Methods, Assignment, Assessment, Results, Interpretation and Extrapolation)

Unique Learning Aids - question checklists, real-world scenarious, flaw-catching exercises and more help to make complex concepts easy to grasp


  • New chapters cover safety, prediction and decision rules, and translating research into practice
  • €œLearn More€ boxes illustrate key concepts
  • Clinically oriented €œMini-Studies€ demonstrate what can go wrong and how to get it right
  • Research topics include ethics, the role of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), and advances in randomized controlled trials and observational studies

FREE Online Support! (with the purchase of the book)

For Students:

  • Interactive Q&A for every chapter
  • M.A.A.R.I.E. framework and flaw-catching exercises
  • Chapter objectives
  • Flash Card interactive glossary

For Faculty:

All of the student resources plus:

  • Instructor€s guide with €œtips on teaching€ based on Dr. Riegelman€s 30+ years of teaching from the text
  • Syllabus suggestions for applying the text in semester-long courses, mini-courses, and as part of Journal Clubs
  • Powerpoints designed to assist lectures
  • Class-tested exam questions for each chapter


  • TitleStudying A Study and Testing a Test: Reading Evidence-based Health Research
  • BrandLippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • ManufacturerLWW
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ItemPartNumber9780781774260
  • UnitCount1
  • UPCs000781774268
  • EANs9780781774260