Student Workbook for Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Tenth Edition
This Student Workbook contains exercises to reinforce what you will learn in both Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Tenth Edition and the classroom. The exercises cover the new National EMS Education Standards and are designed to test your general knowledge, encourage critical thinking, and aid comprehension of assessment and treatment skills. Each chapter includes a variety of exercises to reinforce material learned, including: Multiple ChoiceۥNumerous multiple-choice questions prepare you for examinations. Ambulance CallsۥScenarios help you develop your decision-making skills by describing emergencies and challenging you to come up with solutions. Fill-in-the-Patient Care ReportۥGain practical experience filling in patient care reports based on detailed scenarios. Skill DrillsۥTest your skills with photo jumbles and caption fill-ins. LabelingۥReinforce your mastery of difficult concepts with illustration and photo labeling activities. And moreۥTrue/false, matching, short answer, fill-in-the-blank, and fill-in-the-table activities cover the topics presented throughout the chapter. Page references to Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Tenth Edition are provided for every question in the Student Workbook. Perforated pages make it easier for you to hand in homework assignments.