Student Solutions Manual
This popular book presents the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics and their practical applications to heat power, heat transfer, and heating and air conditioning. It addresses real-world problems in engineering and design €" without stressing abstract mathematics €" and uses a unique calculus/non-calculus based approach that ensures a rigorous treatment of each subject appropriate to the mathematics level of each reader. Includes a software package for doing cycles, combustion and radiation Heat Transfer problems with parametric analyses. Develops concepts and example problems in contexts that are based on €œreal world€ applications. Offers unique optional Calculus for Clarity sections for readers who have a background in differential and integral calculus. Provides a complete introduction to convection, conduction, and radiation heat transfer; and examines application of thermodynamic principles to power-producing and consuming mechanical devices such as nozzles, pumps, turbines, gas and steam engines, heat pumps, and refrigeration systems. Features an eight-chapter treatment of heat power/combustion/transfer and HVAC (one of the most extensive available in a book at this level). For those in mechanical, manufacturing, industrial, and engineering technology interested in thermodynamics and heat transfer.