Student Activities Manual for Dollenmayer/Hansen's Neue Horizonte, 8th
This combination workbook/laboratory manual helps your students maximize their success. The workbook section provides a variety of written exercises for chapters 1-15 that recombine the vocabulary and grammar structures presented in the corresponding chapter of the student text. The workbook also includes four summary and review sections, Zusammenfassung und Wiederholung. Each ends with a "Test Your Progress" self-test. The Laboratory Manual is coordinated with the SAM Audio Program (available on the Premium Website) and features the following for each chapter: Dialoge, Fragen zu den Dialogen, H¶ren Sie gut zu!, œbung zur Aussprache, œben wir! (grammar exercises from the textbook and variations thereof), œbung zur Betonung (recognizing stressed syllables), and Diktat. The new Video Manual consists of 12 chapters worth of activities to accompany the NEUE HORIZONTE video (available through the Premium Website).