Streetwise Chicago CTA & Metra Map - Laminated Chicago Metro Map - Folding pocket size map for travel
Streetwise Chicago CTA & Metra Map - Laminated Chicago Metro Map - Folding pocket size map for travel
This map includes the following:
Chicago CTA and Metra Map with station index on the back.
The STREETWISE Chicago Metra Map is an invaluable tool for getting around on the city's public transportation system. Unfolded it's the size of a legal envelope, folded into thirds it's about the size of a credit card, conveniently fitting into your shirt pocket or purse.
The front side presents the CTA and METRA routes leading into and out of the city connecting you with major suburban towns and airports. On the back side there is a convenient station index and map key. This little Chicago Metro Map makes getting around Chicago, Illinois via subway a snap.
The STREETWISE Chicago Metro map is one of hundreds of detailed and easy-to-read maps designed and published by STREETWISE. For a larger selection of our detailed travel maps simply type STREETWISE MAPS into the Amazon search bar. And don't forget to check out our regular STREETWISE Chicago map. It's always one of the top selling maps of Chicago on