Storm Warrior XVII: Death Angel
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Storm Warrior XVII: Death Angel

Charles returns home and discovers that some of the men he had hired to work on the railroad construction jobs had quit and walked away from the construction jobs.
Charles travels to Boston to check on Conner, recruit men for the construction jobs, and attend the slave auction.
Charles searches for the man that has invented an artificial ice machine and meets his old friend, Captain Blanchard that has been sent to Washington D.C. to answer questions regarding Colonial Hawks’ death.
Charles is approached by a man that threatens to kill Charles if he continues to steal his railroad contracts. The threat ends with a surprising solution.
Charles stays busy as he finds and ships equipment to Denver for the store, the ranches, the farm, and begins a search for top grade livestock for his farm in Denver.
Judith’s mother has a seizure and is found at the bottom of her staircase near death. Judith has her taken to the hospital in an attempt to save her life.
A man appears from the east to buy Charles’s prize 3-year old stallion, Warrior, and when Charles refuses to sell the horse he then claims Charles had stolen his Thoroughbred stallion and goes to the law to file a claim of horse theft.

  • TitleStorm Warrior XVII: Death Angel
  • ManufacturerCox Publishing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-04-28T15:01:50.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook