Star Wars Hero Series X-Wing Fighter Vehicle
Rebel pilots including Luke Skywalker fly X-wing star fighters in space combat against Imperial forces. Luke, flying as Red Five in the Battle of Yavin, maneuvers his X-wing along the Death Star's trench to blast the battle station's vulnerable exhaust port. Armed with laser cannons, X-wings battle Imperial TIE fighters during the fight to free the galaxy. Have your own Death Star mission and destroy the threat to the galaxy with this realistic-looking X-Wing Fighter vehicle! It's more than 2 feet long and 2 feet wide and it looks just like the acrobatic star fighter that Luke Skywalker flew when he whizzed down the trench for the fatal shot at the Imperial menace. Retract its landing gear and send it into battle, with a loyal Droid installed behind the cockpit to navigate a successful mission! Your collection won't be complete without this dogfighting dynamo! Star Wars products are produced by Hasbro under license from Lucasfilm Ltd. Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro. Hasbro Customer Service: 1 (800) 844-3733