Spy Optic McCoy Polarized Rectangular Sunglasses
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Spy Optic McCoy Polarized Rectangular Sunglasses

At some point last night you hopped a fence, head-butted house decorations off your friend's ceiling, and may have possibly dressed up like a sci-fi movie character and/or pop music diva. The Spy McCoy Polarized Sunglasses help block the glare of the various glowsticks still attached to your person. You can temporarily remove the McCoys to show off the custom metal details, then rub your bloodshot eyes and pay a well-deserved 'thank you' to the friend who helped arrange individual LED flashlights on each of your fingers. Then it's time to piece the rest of the night together.

  • TitleSpy Optic McCoy Polarized Rectangular Sunglasses
  • BrandSPY
  • ManufacturerSpy Optic
  • BindingEyewear
  • ProductGroupShoes
  • ModelMcCoy
  • UnitCount1