Spring roll wrappers (rice paper)- Erawan brand, 16 oz
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Spring roll wrappers (rice paper)- Erawan brand, 16 oz

Made from a mixture of rice flour, water, and salt these are rolled out by machine to paper thinness and then dried on bamboo mats in the sun. Rice papers are used extensively for wrapping Vietnamese spring rolls of pork and seafood, which are then fried and wrapped with crispy fresh lettuce and herbs and finally dipped in a sweet, sour hot sauce. Useful Hints: Rice paper must be softened before use. Simply immerse them, one or two sheet at a time, in a warm water. Soak them until they are soft, approximately 1 or 2 minutes. Handle them carefully as the sheets are brittle. Drain them on a linen towel before rolling Make your own fresh spring rolls with our recipe. A more convenient size than you typically find, as these are 8.5" in diameter and much easier to work with than 10 or 12 inch style. We offer only the premium wrappers which are not too thin and not too thick. Simply pour warm water over thin wrap and it becomes soft. Place the wrap on a plate and stuff with your favorite vegetables (bean sprouts, sliced carrots, cucumber, fresh basil leaves, cilantro, mint leaves, lettuce) and meat if you prefer. We like to dip the final product in our special sweet chile sauce for spring rolls, or a mixture of 1/2 cup Hoisin Sauce, juice of one lime, two crushed Thai chile peppers and several cloves crushed garlic (use a mortar and pestle to crush the chiles and garlic). Each package contains approximately 45 individual wraps. Product of Thailand.

  • TitleSpring roll wrappers (rice paper)- Erawan brand, 16 oz
  • BrandERAWAN
  • ManufacturerErawan
  • BindingMisc.
  • ProductGroupGrocery
  • Size12 Ounce