SportSpectator Field Hockey Guide: Basic Field Hockey Rules and Strategies
Learn the basics of field hockey in 10 minutes! What is the difference between a flick, hit, push, and scoop? What is a bully? What causes a free hit, penalty corner, or penalty stroke? The SportSpectator Field Hockey Guide answers these questions and more! This overview will enhance your enjoyment as a spectator, whether you're a novice to field hockey or a longtime fan. This high-quality, laminated guide folds to a 8.5 x 4 inch brochure to fit easily into a pocket or purse, and expands to 8.5 x 20 inches to reveal a wealth of information. The content includes the history of field hockey, field diagrams, player roles, basic field hockey rules and strategies, referee signals, and a glossary of useful field hockey terms-the essentials to understand and enjoy field hockey.