Sound Medicine for Chakra Balancing Singing Bowl Meditation for the Sahasrara, Crown or 7th Chakra
The therapeutic sound techniques used on this CD will directly realign the out of sync frequencies you may be experiencing within your Seventh, Sahasrara or Crown Chakra, by exposing you to the power of Binaural Beats, combined with the healing Solfeggio frequency associated with the Seventh Chakra. This CD gently will entrain your brain to a deep Alpha level of meditation, then bring you back up to a refreshed low Beta level. When listened to through headphones, you may actually and physically feel the effect of this powerful and unique CD within the Chakras of your body. It is a very direct, easy and beautiful way to deeply meditate, and heal body, mind and soul, through your chakras. Please, do not use while driving, cooking, using machinery, supervising small children, or any other activity requiring your full attention. This is a deep meditation CD, so just lay back, relax and enjoy!
The frequencies used in this program are not only attuned to the Crown Chakra, but also to the Earth... the brainwave entrainment tones progress along what are called the Shumann Resonances. The Shumann Resonance is the magnetic frequency of our planet Earth. The goal is, to not only realign your energy to the correct Chakra balances, but also to realign you to a feeling of balance with the planet. This is not music as you may be used to; it is pure healing tones using Tibetan singing bowls and ancient Solfeggio frequencies.
Remember, you must wear headphones to reap the benefits of this program, and it works best to get them on the correct ears (right on right, left on left) Also, this is a deep meditative brainwave entrainment program, so play it safe; no driving, drinking, using heavy machinery, cooking, or supervising small children. Just lay back, relax, and close your eyes for a well deserved break!
This product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.