Solero Vigorosa Shrub Rose - 4" Pot -Fragrant Flowers
Vigorosa roses are hardy, floriferous, repeat blooming ground cover type roses that grow in a natural graceful, arching habit. Sometimes called Balconia roses or hanging basket roses, Vigorosa roses are available in a rainbow of colors all with glossy green foliage. Forget the annual hanging baskets, with Vigorosa roses the flower power out blooms even the prolific petunia. Once you start gardening with these versatile roses, the possibilities are endless! I plant a few 4 inch plants in hanging baskets to create a quick colorful basket, tuck them in colorful containers with ornamental grasses, all but replaced every Drift roses at farm with them, and of course have planted them along walkways as a sea of color in the perennial garden. Developed in the late 1990′s in Germany by the rose hybridizers W. Kordes Sohne, the Vigorosa Series of roses have all received the prestigious ADR decoration for superior qualities by a garden rose.