Solar Dancing Flower - Daisy (In Bubble Package - Pot Colors Vary)
When exposed to sunlight or artificial light, the flower dances (Flips side to side) and the leaves simultaneously wave (Flap up and down together). You can adjust the movement to your favorite beat by adjusting the light exposure! Keep it on your kitchen window sill with proper light exposure (test it out) and every morning it will start moving very slowly as the sun comes up and then speed up as it gets more daylight. It does not necessarily require direct sunlight, just indirect daylight to become activated. You can place it under a lamp and it will start dancing when you turn the lamp on. If you live in Washington State you may need to add some artificial light on very cloudy days! It is not going to last forever - time will tell if it is an annual or perennial! If you want your solar flower to last longer, put something dark over it while you are away to save it from wearing out.