Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook, and Interactive Web Based Case Studies (3rd Edition) (Connecting Core Competencies)
NOTE:This is a standalone book.
Social work practice skills text/workbook plus web-based case studies
This book is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series. This series helps students understand and master CSWE’s core competencies with a variety of pedagogy highlighted competency content and critical thinking questions for the competencies throughout.
Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice, 3/e, guides students through all stages of the helping process and assists them in developing time-tested social work skills.
By using the text/workbook, students will gain a greater understanding of how to use social work skills in the context of each of the stages of the helping process – from intake through termination. In addition, individual chapters are devoted to values and ethics; theory directed practice; cultural context of practice; basic skills for direct practice; and advanced skills for direct practice.
Teaching & Learning Experience
If the student wants the book/access card order the ISBN below:
0205085350 / 9780205085354 Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook, and Interactive Web Based Case Studies Plus MySocialWorkLab with eText -- Access Card Package
Package consists of:
0205055222 / 9780205055227 Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook, and Interactive Web Based Case Studies
0205769918 / 9780205769919 MySocialWorkLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card