Social Security Benefits Including Medicare, 2014 Edition
The 2014 Edition of Social Security Benefits Including Medicare provides a concise but helpful explanation of the complex rules governing the Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability benefits programs.
This booklet pays particular attention to retirement benefits and Parts A, B, C and D of the Medicare program. It details eligibility requirements, explains the calculation of monthly benefits, and discusses the effect of early retirement and delayed retirement on benefits. It reflects benefit amounts, the taxable earnings base and other variables set forth by the Social Security Administration for the upcoming year, which will enable retirees to compute the amount of their benefits.
In addition, Social Security Benefits Including Medicare provides retirees with an understanding of the tax treatment of their benefits, factors that can reduce benefits, and the impact of events, such as divorce, on benefits. Finally, the discussion contains numerous examples, all of which have been updated to reflect 2014 figures and rules, including the increase in the full retirement age and additional Medicare taxes that may be imposed on high earners.
The 2014 Edition has been updated to include: