Social Problems: An Introduction to Critical Constructionism
Social Problems: An Introduction to Critical Constructionism synthesizes conflict theory and social constructionism to help students think critically about social problems. A concise, student-friendly alternative to all-encompassing standard textbooks, this book examines a single theoretical paradigm in depth, demonstrating how theory can be used to understand a range of critical social issues.
New to the Fourth Edition:
* A new chapter on inequality of life chances in the U.S., with updated material on race, a new discussion of gender inequality, fresh material on health care, and a new section on education and inequality
* Chapter 4 on family includes a new section on same-sex marriage
* Chapter 5 on crime and deviance provides a new section introducing the sociological concept of social control as it relates to the medicalization of deviance
* New discussions of the "Great Recession," the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission