So Big - Activity Songs for Little Ones
These easy-to-learn activity songs are designed for preschool and primary grade learners. They tap children's natural desire to move, sing and make-believe. From a tiny chick curled inside an egg, to the vigorous movements of a galloping pony, a full range of images and movement possibilities are explored through words and music. Children clap, stamp, turn, reach, fall, throw, catch, bend, twist, crawl, walk, hop, run and jump as they develop movement skills, imaginative powers and a deeper understanding of language, math and science concepts. In short the whole child is involved! Each song is repeated as an instrumental version. Once children learn a song, they can sing along without hearing the words. The instrumentals have a soft melody line to act as a guide without overpowering the children's voices. The instrumentals also provide opportunities for choice making, problem solving and creativity. Children can choose the things they would like to pretend, make up their own words and create their own movements. There are endless possibilities and variations of ways to use these songs. This guide is a starting point for introducing children to the joy of music and movement.