Snuff Tag 9 (A Nicholas Colt Thriller)
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Snuff Tag 9 (A Nicholas Colt Thriller)

Nicholas Colt€s career as a lead guitarist ended with a crushed hand, and his career as a licensed private investigator ended with a narcotics conviction. Since then, he€s had some luck making money under the table as a €œsecurity consultant.€ But good luck has a habit of going bad for Colt. Like when he takes the case of an affluent young accountant who has received a threatening letter€"a mandate to come and play an ultraviolent video game called Snuff Tag 9.

Colt figures the letter is a scam, but a psychotic four-hundred-pound billionaire known only as Freeze quickly proves him wrong. Freeze, it seems, is populating his version of the game with real people.

Kidnapped and outfitted with a device that will stop his heart if he refuses to join in, Colt finds himself deep in the Okefenokee Swamp hunting€"and being hunted by€"eight people he has never met, has nothing against€¦and must kill to survive.