Slow Carb Recipes: Simple Weight Loss Recipes To Lose 20 Pounds in 30 Days and Increase Energy Without Exercise!: Weight Loss Recipes (Slow Carb Weight Loss Book 1)
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Slow Carb Recipes: Simple Weight Loss Recipes To Lose 20 Pounds in 30 Days and Increase Energy Without Exercise!: Weight Loss Recipes (Slow Carb Weight Loss Book 1)

A Recipe Book That Will Help You Lose Weight And Make You Forget You Are Dieting!

**MEGA BONUSYour book download includes a complete Shopping List and Visual Guide available for instant download to help you take immediate action!**

Are You Bored With Your Diet?

Many dieters that do not succeed with their chosen diet for weight loss in the long term are guilty of the same old story. They claim that their diet has become “too repetitive and boring.” For example, many Slow Carb dieters, who are not allowed to drink calories, or consume “white” carbs are especially guilty of this statement! Their excuses begin to pile up high, until they finally cave in and break their weight loss meal plan.

Have you ever felt this way about your weight loss diet? Have you ever thought that there are just too many great meals in existence to have such a limited list of options? Have you ever just wanted new, fun and exciting meals that were both delicious and fit the criteria of your diet?

If you said "Yes" to any of the above questions do not worry because...

This Book Is The Answer!

If you can relate that story, then you are searching for answers and I applaud you for taking action! After reading this book, you will be able to stop the suffering and eat Slow Carb, Paleo, Ketogenic and other diet friendly meals that are simple, delicious and exciting!

About the Author

You may very well be asking, the questions, “Who is this guy?” and “What makes him qualified to write a book about dieting?”

My name is Ashir Nelson, and I have close to 4 years of experience with achieving weight loss results while on the Slow Carb diet. Ever since the 4-Hour Body came to stores, I have been in Slow Carb heaven! In the 5 times that I have completed the slow carb diet to lose weight, I have lost up to 15 pounds every time during the 30-day period, and I have started the diet each time at a lean 175 pounds!

What will you learn?

Your diet will test your will and discipline to its max, but I am here to show you that it is not intimidating once you have the right recipes! As a result, I have searched high and low for 30 of the best recipes that fit the criteria of simple, fun and tasty; this book is the result.

The majority of the recipes you will find require the same key ingredients; I have tailored the book this way because one of the keys to dieting success is to shop in bulk. From the Fajita Breakfast Burrito to the Carb Free Steak Tacos, you will have a wide variety of tasty meals to choose from while shredding body fat!

Who is this book for?

This book is for the following people:

-Existing Slow Carb dieters
-Existing dieters on a diet similar to Slow Carb (Paleo, Ketogenic, etc.)
-New and existing dieters searching for new meals that are quick, simple and tasty
-Dieters that want to enjoy their diet, but not become a slave to it
-If you believe diets are boring and want to be proved WRONG!


How this book is structured?

To gain the most out of this book, I have simply labeled each recipe under the 3 main meals of the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

This book is designed to give a fun alternative to the normal meals that you may indulge in while completing the Slow Carb diet for weight loss. All meals within this book can be made within 30 minutes, and are tasty as hell!

I am confident that you will enjoy, so…

Download the book to discover 30 Phenomenal Slow Carb Recipes For Weight Loss!

**REMINDER**You will have instant access to your FREE Shopping List and Visual Guide upon your download of the book! The link can be found on the 2nd page!

  • AuthorAshir Nelson
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • NumberOfPages45
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2014-08-13
  • ReleaseDate2014-08-13
  • TitleSlow Carb Recipes: Simple Weight Loss Recipes To Lose 20 Pounds in 30 Days and Increase Energy Without Exercise!: Weight Loss Recipes (Slow Carb Weight Loss Book 1)