Skybar Wine Chill Drops, Set of 2
Get the most out of your favorite wines without having to wait hours for it to chill in the fridge. Great for entertaining or in a glass of your favorite wine, the skybar Wine Chill Drop cools a single glass of wine to its ideal serving temperature up to twenty times faster than your refrigerator can chill a full bottle. You will be able to enjoy perfectly cooled red wines in ninety seconds or less and white wines in just eight minutes. The sleek shape and polished stainless steel of the Chill Drop will add a stylish note to your table as well as bring elegance and ease to your wine tasting experience.
The ideal temperature range when serving white wines should be between 45 and 50 degrees F, and between 55 and 65 degrees F for reds. The Wine Chill Drops will have your wine at this cooled state of perfection in a matter of minutes with these simple steps.
Place the Chill Drop in the holder after use to protect your table and countertop surfaces. Once you have enjoyed your perfectly chilled wine, simply clean the Wine Chill Drop by hand with mild soap and water. The holder may be cleaned in the dishwasher. To ensure your Chill Drop is ready for your next glass of wine, store the Drop and holder in the freezer.