Sixty Days with John Owen in Hebrews (Days with the Puritans Book 1)
The Days with the Puritans series seeks to make some of the best classic commentaries on Scripture available in bite-size devotional readings that anyone can manage. Five minutes a day will yield some of the choicest fruit of the exegetical masters of the past, whet the appetite for further reading in the Puritans, and, by the Spirit's enabling grace, lift the heart to praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sixty Days with John Owen in Hebrews distills sixty daily readings selected from Owen's monumental commentary on the book of Hebrews. Each selection can be read in about 5 minutes and includes the applicable text of Scripture and brief questions for meditation. These Puritan devotional readings, while retaining the original language and wording of the author, were chosen to engage the modern reader with the light of Scripture as taught by the Puritans.