Site Engineering for Landscape Architects Workbook
Site Engineering for Landscape Architects Workbook
A study guide to help you master the principles and practices of site engineering
Created to complement the Fifth Edition of Site Engineering for Landscape Architects, this workbook is an invaluable learning resource for students and instructors, as well as for professionals studying for the LARE and other licensing exams.
The workbook is organized with a chapter of questions and answers corresponding to the respective chapter in the textbook, including:
Practice problems and review exercises designed to reinforce site engineering concepts
Site and grading diagrams that allow students to apply site engineering concepts in a practical way.
Four types of questions-observations, short answer, long answer, and graphic exercises-offer opportunities to approach the material from varied angles and levels of complexity.
Designed for the needs of both students and professionals, this Workbook makes it easier than ever for you to quickly master the principles and practices involved in today's environmentally sound site engineering.