Serial DC Power Monitor & Real Time Software / Data Logger (Windows Or MAC OSX) Displays & records data, -75 to 105 DC Amps, Watts, KWH, Amp Hours AH
Up to 10 sensors can be used with one computer with the WattsVIEW software. If you would like a WattsVIEW sensor that has a built in USB connection already, then do a product search for ASIN "B00ETF84CI". WattsVIEW software runs on Windows Or MAC (OSX) displays and logs real time DC Volts, Amps, Watts, & Kilowatts for solar panels, wind turbines, pedal power generators, hydroelectric generator, and thermoelectric generating as well as any kind of battery charging or output monitoring.
This sensor uses RS232 Communication serial port to connect directly to your computer.
If your computer does not have a serial port, then you will need to purchase your own USB to RS232 adapter. It is easy to do a search for an adapter by entering "USB to RS232" into the Amazon search window and finding one that will work with your operating system.
The normal distance for the WattsVIEW power sensor is 25 Feet. But you can extend the distance to over 1,000 feet if you do an Amazon search using the phrase "RS232 extender" and pick out an extender that meets your needs .
NOTE: If you want to measure a very low amount of current, you can loop the wire through the hall effect sensor multiple times to increase the strength and resolution of the sensor. For instance, looping the current carrying wire through the sensor 10 times will make the current signal 10x stronger!
WHAT'S UNDER THE HOOD: This sensor features a PIC microcontroller which sends data out a serial port about once every second giving you this data string: 000012.1V 00001.0A 00012.1W 00000.0WH
You can easily run a terminal emulator program like hyperterminal to see the data. Baud settings are 9600 BAUD, 8 Data bits, No Parity, No Flow Control. The WattsVIEW sensor with a simple panel meter model L61001-BL red display, or L51001-BL green display made by Laurel Electronics.