Serenada Intrerupta (Romansh Edition)
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Serenada Intrerupta (Romansh Edition)

This is the Romanian version of the novel BROKEN SERENADE. After the mysterious death of her grandmother, Vivien returns to San Francisco Bay Area to take over the business of the old woman's sophisticated, elegant boutique and to give piano lessons. Memories of her childhood in Woodside continue to torture her mind and soul, and soon after her arrival, the new saleswoman at the boutique becomes the victim of a gruesome murder. Boldly and courageously playing the detective role, Vivien meets her first love again. Is Timothy Leigh the wonderful Prince Charming from her childhood, the man of her dreams since she has become a woman, or the talented and celebrity architect hides, in fact, lethal passions? 
In an electrifying atmosphere of intrigue and suspense, with unsolved murders and mysterious characters, BROKEN SERENADE maintains forefront a thrilling, powerful love story, capable of defeating anything.
Dupa moartea misterioasa a bunicii sale, Vivien se reintoarce in San Francisco Bay Area pentru a prelua afacerea cochetului boutique al batranei si a preda lectii de pian. Amintiri din copilaria petrecuta in Woodside continua sa-i tortureze psihicul si curand dupa sosirea sa, noua vanzatoare de la boutique este victima unei crime oribile. Jucand cu indrazneala si curaj rolul de detectiv, Vivien isi reintalneste prima dragoste. Este Timothy Leigh, printul ei minunat din copilarie, barbatul visurilor ei de femeie sau celebrul si talentatul arhitect ascunde de fapt pasiuni letale? Intr-o atmosfera palpitanta de intriga si suspans, cu crime si personaje misterioase, romanul SERENADA INTRERUPTA mentine in prim plan o poveste de iubire tulburatoare, o iubire capabila sa invinga orice.

  • AuthorDorina Stanciu
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • LabelDorion Epublishing
  • ManufacturerDorion Epublishing
  • NumberOfPages292
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2013-12-22
  • PublisherDorion Epublishing
  • ReleaseDate2013-12-22
  • StudioDorion Epublishing
  • TitleSerenada Intrerupta (Romansh Edition)