Sekonic Corporation 401-478CCPP LITEMASTER PRO L-478D with X-Rite ColorChecker Passport and Gray Balance Card (Black)
Sekonic's DTS System simplifies Exposure and Meter Calibration Using the X-Rite ColorChecker Passport w/Sekonic Gray Balance Card with Sekonic's Data Transfer Software, Version 3, image makers can create an exposure profile and map out the dynamic range of their DSLR or digital video camera. Transferring this data to a Sekonic L-478 Series meter enables knowing which details of a scene or subject will be properly imaged, and which will be over or under the range of the camera. Today's photographers can now take full advantage of their camera's imaging capabilities to produce pictures with greater tonality and clarity that they have ever known before. Two ways to calibrate the using Sekonic's DTS Version 3 software Incident-only calibration with Sekonic's Data Transfer System enables creating exposure profiles for precise metering without need for additional accessories. Incident and Reflected-light calibration uses L-478 series 5-degree Viewfinder, available as a separate purchase, to read the Passport's Sekonic gray card for calibrated reflected-light readings. X-Rite ColorChecker Passport simplifies post processing The ColorChecker Target enables minimizing color differences between cameras and lenses and aids in establishing true color in mixed lighting. It extends the power of Adobe photo editing software with series of one-click warming and cooling enhancements that greatly reduce editing time.