Seed Mantra Magick: Master The Primordial Sounds Of The Universe (Mantra Magick Series Book 3)
The Seed mantras that are in this book are the core sounds, these sounds have embedded into them the universal creative energies. They are potential power and do not have attributes such as " good and evil". These sounds transcend those human labels. However, it does not mean they cannot be used for both " good and evil". As I stated in other books, the universal energies are like electricity. It will manifest in the way it is guided. Example, Plug in your computer and your lamp and you will see they are using the same electricity, but it is manifesting differently in each object based on its intended use. If you stick your tongue in an electric socket you will quickly learn that electricity will light you up as well.
The same when you use these mantras. Mantras do not have morality issues, they are not biased; they are simply energies waiting to be guided and guide them we shall.