Secrets to Barrel Racing Success
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Secrets to Barrel Racing Success

Barrel racers are driven by an unrelenting desire to win. But, they are often misled.  The secrets have been well kept for much too long. It's time for barrel racers to stop looking for barrel racing success, in all the wrong places.

In this best-selling barrel racing book, author Heather Smith shares tips for barrel racing that reveal the real reasons for slow times, tipped barrels, behavior problems, and much more. Smith challenges barrel racers to develop new perspectives and describes the specific action steps, proven time and again to yield positive, fast results.

As Volume I in the series, Secrets to Barrel Racing Success provides an integral foundation, yet far from just the basics, it empowers barrel racers to demystify even the most advanced barrel horse training concepts:

  • Sense and correct subtle mistakes on the pattern quickly and easily
  • Realize what 'feel' really is, and how you can harness it's power
  • Develop a barrel horse to be mentally focused and with you
  • Barrel racing tips & techniques to make any barrel horse faster
  • Communicate in a way that creates feather-light responsiveness
  • Become a rider and competitor that brings out the best in every horse
  • Achieve optimum barrel racing performance, through optimum horse health
  • Master the mental game for confidence every time you blast down the alley
  • Understand true collection, why it's so critical, and how to achieve it
The secret to winning lies in becoming aware of, and dissolving the lesser-known blocks (that many don't even know exist) standing in the way of barrel racing success.

Don't be left in the dark - the Secrets to Barrel Racing Succes offers an enlightening, exciting and clear path to achieving you and your barrel horse's greatest potential!


“With everything that I have learned, we performed the BEST run we have EVER, EVER, EVER had on Saturday!! I had goose bumps from head to toe and was brimming with confidence! I have been relying on your book and look where it’s got me, I now have a horse running 1D times and have now performed the best run I have ever done on her. She was so sooo responsive, thank you heaps for your help!” - Ruby H.

“Just wanted to let you know that your “Secrets” book is awesome! It totally covers what no other book does. What I’ve read covers the true secrets to barrel racing success – that are not obvious, but are really all about how far you are willing to challenge yourself and your horse to be the best you can be!” - Jeana W.

“I wanted to tell you how much your book means to me. I have read this book twice in less than a month and have hi-lighted and marked pages… My family trains horses for a living and I’ve been riding since I can remember. I was recently gifted with a three year old Quarter Horse and this has been the most frustrating experience of my entire life!
All I could think was ‘He’s doing what YOU taught him and you’re punishing him for it! There’s a way to fix it, you just haven’t found it. Go LEARN something!’ What I needed is someone to say “You can do this! And this is how…” I could go on forever about how much “The Secrets” has helped me overall… Just THANK YOU!
” - Randi

  • TitleSecrets to Barrel Racing Success
  • ManufacturerHeather Smith
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • EANs9780615628882