Secrets of a Parallel Universe: Why Our Deepest Problems Hold the Key to Ultimate Personal Success & Happiness
All great religions have one thing in common: in different ways, they all point the way to a higher consciousness a paradisiacal realm of eternal life.
Does such a "state" exist? If so, how can one know for sure?
. . . Is it necessary to become a monk? Spend years in therapy? Swallow hundreds of pills? Sit at the feet of a guru?
"Not at all," says Roy Masters. With penetrating insight into the causes and cures of the most painful problems common to all humanity, Masters offers real and practical solutions. The answer is simple: "Be still." Your decision to face your problems honestly, objectively, and with a sincere desire to overcome them will automatically connect you to the source of inner healing. But how?
This book elaborates with stunning clarity and surgical precision on the themes presented in his earlier works, and includes such chapters as: "Stress: Are You Coping Or Failing?", "Rebellion and Conformity," "Destiny: Chance Or Choice?" "Unmasking the Mind Benders," and "Breaking Free From Psychotherapy." "If you could discover how to meet each new moment with awareness and patience, rather than with the same old angry responses conditioned in childhood, you will effortlessly resolve the traumas of the past and discover a truly blessed future."