Sea Soup Teacher¹s Guide: Discovering the Watery World of Phytoplankton and Zooplankton
The interesting and fun activities in this teachers guide meet the challenge of relating tiny, microscopic organisms to the lives of children. Discover and explore answers to some strange questions. What is the recipe for Sea Soup? Are those tiny critters plants or animals, or maybe something else? Why do they look more like creatures from outer space than the organisms we know on land? What do giant clams, corals, whales, penguins, and humans have in common? How does the Sea Soup grow? What if it stops growing?
The inquiry-based activities range from designing and making a phytoplankter and collecting phytoplankton to designing an experiment for exploring what factors influence the growth of phytoplankton. The emphasis is on science, but where appropriate math, geography, language arts, and art are included. Each unit includes background information, objectives, a statement of how it addresses the National Science Education Standards, materials, procedures, references, and suggested websites. This book is the accompanying teacher's guide to two volumes: Sea Soup: Phytoplankton and Sea Soup: Zooplankton