Sciatica Back Problems Medicomat-6G Back Pain Treatment Conductive Belt Arthritis Socks Gloves
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Sciatica Back Problems Medicomat-6G Back Pain Treatment Conductive Belt Arthritis Socks Gloves

Medicomat-6 acupuncture massage machine can be used for all the traditional acupuncture applications and is particularly designed for treating diabetes and foot health management. It performs the functions of ear, hand and foot acupuncture, resuming normal functions and keeping healthy through natural physiotherapy. Pure Conductive Silver cloth is the latest in cutting edge conductive therapy and skin care. Silver Ion Therapy occurs when the silver fiber knitted into silver conductive garments is warmed by body temperature and massage pulse. In addition to its proven and highly conductive properties, silver fiber can anti-odor, anti-static, anti-microbe, anti-bacterial. Silver garment can regulate body temperature and keep feet dry and comfortable. The Medicomat foot energy socks, gloves and belt was made by special silver fiber material, which can fully contact with feet holographical reflecting region and acupuncture points, cooperate with the main frame can transmit the biological energy promptly, achieving the best health management. Medicomat Low Back Support Conductive Belt with integrated electrodes to be used with Medicomat devices. Conductive Belt offers sufferers lumbar vertebrae stabilisation and support as well as easy acupuncture massage thanks to the integrated electrodes. Conductive Belt may be used for light or acute pain as well as for chronic pain in the low back area. Benefits: Drug-free pain relief + Low back support + No side effects + Quick and easy handling. Package Includes: Main device: 1 piece + Ear electrode: 3 pairs + Conductive Energy Socks: 1 pair model: S101G size: universal color: grey + Silver Conductive Gloves: 1 pair model: G101 size: L color: silver grey + Conductive Electrode Belt: 1 piece model: B101 size: L color: black + Energy button line: 1 piece + Charger: 1 piece + USB line: 1 piece + Lithium battery: 1 piece + User Manual: 1 piece

  • BindingHealth and Beauty
  • BrandMedicomat
  • EAN9788678047411
  • ISBN8678047410
  • LabelNSystems LLC
  • ManufacturerNSystems LLC
  • MPNMedicomat-6G
  • PartNumberMedicomat-6G
  • ProductGroupHealth and Beauty
  • PublisherNSystems LLC
  • StudioNSystems LLC
  • TitleSciatica Back Problems Medicomat-6G Back Pain Treatment Conductive Belt Arthritis Socks Gloves