Schleich Sperm Whale
Sperm whales are known for preferring function over fashion with their big head and bumpy skin.
The largest living animal with teeth, sperm whales can exceed lengths of sixty feet! Male sperm whales continue growing until their fiftieth birthday. While females and their young stick close to each other, males form their own pods or live alone. As carnivores, sperm whales eat one hundred million tons of ocean organisms per year. Known to attack sharks, sperm whales generally keep to their diet of squid and octopus. In order to eat these delicacies, these whales must dive down to get them. Equipped with a built-in buoy or anchor (depending on ascending or descending), flexible rib cage, proteins in their blood that hold lots of oxygen, and many other special features, sperm whales can descend to depths of over a mile and remain there for over an hour.
Fun Facts: One of a sperm whale's teeth weighs as much as a box of cereal.
Zoological Name:Physeter catodon
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Primary Habitat: Ocean
Global Home: Oceans
Scale: 1:32