Schiff's Diseases of the Liver
For over 50 years covering 10 previous editions, Schiff's Diseases of the Liver has provided hepatologists with an outstanding evidence-based clinical reference work covering all aspects of liver disease, and is without doubt one of the world‚¬„s leading hepatology textbooks.‚ Now fully revised and updated, it will serve as your first-stop reference for today‚¬„s demanding clinical situations.
With a strong clinical focus, Schiff‚¬„s Diseases of the Liver‚ covers anatomy, pathology, testing, imaging, and effects of liver disease on other organs, before moving on to sections that address specific diseases and clinical syndromes.‚ Its enormous appeal has been due to the clarity of text, combined with the sheer thoroughness of its breadth of content. Key features include:
This 11th edition sees all existing chapters fully revised and refreshed with the very latest in clinical information from the world‚¬„s leading hepatologists. Also new to this edition is‚ a companion‚ website containing a variety of important extra materials, including:
Schiff‚¬„s Diseases of the Liver remains the key textbook for all gastroenterologists and hepatologists, in training or fully qualified, managing patients with liver disease.