Samsung ETA0S20JBE Travel Charger with Detachable USB to S20-Pin Cable with Original OEM ETA0S20JBE - Non-Retail Packaging - Black
Samsung's quick charging technology allows you to use your mobile phone while it is charging. The Samsung travel charger plugs into any standard wall outlet. The compact and durable design makes it convenient to charge your battery while home or on the go. Comes with a detachable USB to S20 pin Cable. Part Numbers: ETA0S20JBE / ETA0S20JBEB / ETA0S20JBEBSTDThe Samsung Travel Charger with Detachable USB to S20 Pin Cable, manufactured by Samsung is compatible with the Samsung A107, A117, A127, A137, A167, A177, A227, A237, Magnet A257, Jitterbug A310, A513, A517, A637, A657, Sunburst A697, A737, SLM A747, Propel A767, A777, Rugby A837, Access A827, Eternity A867, Impression A877, Solstice A887, Blackjack II i617, ACE i325, Propel Pro i627, i637, Omnia i900, Omnia i910, Epic i907, M300, M305, Slash M310, Mantra M340, M510, M520, Instinct M800, Instinct S30 M810, Mysto, T109, T119, T139, T229, T239, T339, T349, T409, T419, T429, T439, Gravity T459, Gravity 2 T469, Beat T539, Comeback T559, T639, T659, Blast T729, Katalyst T739, Highlight T749, T819, Behold T919, Memoir T929, Gleam U700, Fin, R200, Spex R210, R211, R300, Byline R310, Axle R311, R400, R410, Messager R450, JetSet R550, Tint R420, MyShot R430, SCH R500 Hue, R520 Trill, R600 Hue II, R610, Delve R800, Finesse R810, Knack U310, Smooth U350, U430, Cleo U440, DoubleTake U450, Intensity U450, Juke U470, Trance U490, Convoy U640, Sway U650, Muse U706, Alias 2 U750, Renown U810, Flipshot U900, Glyde U940, Rogue U960 and Z400 phone models. Cables and Etc, LLC is the owner of the trademark C&E. This U piece is trademarked under C&E. Any violation will be reported to Amazon without any prior warning.