SWEDISH FOLK WISDOM: Bilingual Edition (Proverbs from Around the World - Bilingual Book 3)
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SWEDISH FOLK WISDOM: Bilingual Edition (Proverbs from Around the World - Bilingual Book 3)

Swedish proverbs and sayings - an entertaining part of an ancient culture

This collection of Swedish expressions and sayings, in the original language and English translation, offers an interesting glimpse of Sweden's people and traditions. The sayings have organised by subject - Work, Money, Coping with Problems, Families, Children, Animals etc.

A small sample:

Stora processer gör välklädda advokater och nakna parter.
Big lawsuits end with well-dressed lawyers and naked parties.

Magra myggor biter värst.
Thin mosquitoes bite worst.

Abborren har goda dagar, han dricker när han vill.
The perch has a good time, it drinks when it pleases.

Man ska inte bjuda bagarbarn på bullar.
One should not offer cinnamon rolls to the baker's children.

Små smulor är också bröd.
Small crumbs are food too.

There's a lot more here .... just a click away. Enjoy!

  • BindingKindle Edition
  • Edition1
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • LabelMind Games Publications
  • ManufacturerMind Games Publications
  • NumberOfPages92
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2014-06-03
  • PublisherMind Games Publications
  • ReleaseDate2014-06-03
  • StudioMind Games Publications
  • TitleSWEDISH FOLK WISDOM: Bilingual Edition (Proverbs from Around the World - Bilingual Book 3)