SUMMER SALE! SAVE 25% NATURAL Cold Sore Remedy from Essence of Cleopatra Aromatherapy - Formulated by a Pharmacist - 100% Natural - Pure & Highest Quality Aromatherapy Remedy Available - (Made with Tea Tree, Geranium, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Chamomile, Lavender + More!) - 4mL size - 100%!
'COLD SORE REMEDY' FROM ESSENCE OF CLEOPATRA AROMATHERAPY - Fast, Penetrating, Effective! Combines potent anti-virals (Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Bergamot) with effective pain killers (Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree) and powerful anti-inflamatory agents (Calendula, Chamomile) which together allow this product to provide extremely effective relief from the pain and inflamation of Cold Sores. This natural cold sore remedy has almost no side effects and works especially well for people with sensitive skin.
MADE WITH 100% PURE, HIGH-GRADE ESSENTIAL OILS - Tea Tree, Geranium, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Chamomile, Lavender, Calophyllum, Calendula, Jojoba, Vitamin E, Evening Primrose Oil