SPSS for Psychologists: Fifth Edition
With over 50,000 copies sold, the new edition of this best-selling guide carefully leads the user through the process of using SPSS version 20 to analyze psychological data. The authors review the basic issues regarding design and proceed through all of the major statistical techniques used in psychology, from introductory to advanced level. Noted for its comprehensive coverage, clarity, and flexibility, this book is an indispensable resource for students at all levels. With its student-friendly layout, accessible style, and unbeatable coverage, it provides a step-by-step tour of SPSS. Written especially for psychology students, this book shows readers how to get the most out of SPSS. A number of sample exercises, datasets and other useful resources can be found at www.palgrave.com/psychology/brace.
This 5th Edition:
Key Features of the new edition:
The book reviews advanced statistical material such as ANCOVA, factor analysis, logistic regression, and discriminant analysis as well as issues related to research design, data entry, data handling, data manipulation and modification in SPSS; how to calculate basic statistical procedures using SPSS; tests of difference for two sample designs, tests of correlation, and tests for nominal and categorical data; and tests for experiments involving complex designs or for data obtained using surveys. SPSS for Psychologists, 5th edition covers SPSS version 20, but is also appropriate for earlier versions. The book highlights the differences between the versions and includes coverage of reliability measures, partial correlations, and using statistics for scale constructions.