Running for Freedom: Civil Rights and Black Politics in America Since 1941
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Running for Freedom: Civil Rights and Black Politics in America Since 1941

Running for Freedom, 3rd edition charts the monumental struggle for African-American civil rights and the impact of that movement in transforming the American political system in the South and nationwide from 1941 to 2008.

  • Explores the interplay between the local and the national dimensions of the civil rights story, between grassroots activists and federal officials, and between the North and South
  • New edition includes new material on the Clinton Administration, the controversial 2000 and 2004
    presidential elections, and the disaster that Hurricane Katrina wrought on New Orleans
  • Right up-to-date, it also describes the rise to power of Barack Obama and the achievement of black political legitimacy
  • Ideal for students: short, teachable, and accessibly written; visually engaging with new photographs and maps