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Package included:
(1) 1 X UNO R3 Board
(2) 1 X 400 point Breadboard
(3) 1 X USB Cable
(4) 1 X 9V Wall Power Adapter (1A)
(5) 1 X Remote control for Ardunio
(6) 1 X 1602 LCD
(7).1 X Ardunio Protosheild w/ Mini Breadboard
(8) 1 X 65 X MM Jumper Wires (assorted length)
(9) 4 X 1 X FM Premium Jumper Wires
(10) 1 X SG90 9G Servo
(11) 1 X Stepper Motor
(12) 1 X Stepper Motor Driver
(13) 100 X Resistors (10 each / 10, 100, 200, 330, 1K, 2K, 5K, 10K, 100K, 1m ohm)
(14) 1 X 9V Battery Connection for Ardunio
(15) 1 X 1 Channel Relay Module
(16) 1 X 8 8 Dot Matrix Module
(17) 1 X 7 Segment Display (4 digit)
(18) 1 X 7 Segment Display (1 digit)
(19) 1 X MPU 6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope Module
(20) 1 X XY Joystick Module
(21) 1 X HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Module
(22) 1 X Small Plastic Box (with components)
(23) 5 X BC547 NPN Transistor
(24) 5 X BC557 PNP Transistor
(25) 2 X Photoresistor (LDR)
(26) 5 X 1N4007 Diodes
(27) 25 X 5mm LED
(28) 1 X RGB LED (Common Cathode)
(29) 2 X 10K Potentiometer
(30) 1 X 74HC595 8 Bit Shift Register
(31) 1 X MAX7219 Chip (LED Driver)
(32) 1 X Thermistorv
(33) 1 X Piezo Buzzer
(34) 5 X 22pF Capacitors
(35) 5 X 0.1uF Capacitors
(36) 2 X 50V 10uF Capacitors
(37) 2 X 50V 100uF Capacitors
(38) 5 X Push Button Switches
(39) 1 X H-Bridge Motor Driver
(40) 1 X IR Receiver
(41) 1 X 3V DC Motor
(42) 5 X PN2222 Transistors
(43) 1 X Breadboard Holder
(44) 1 X 40 PIN Header
(45) 1 X Ultrasonic Holder

  • BindingElectronics
  • BrandRobotCube
  • EAN0746591611026
  • LabelRobotCube
  • ManufacturerRobotCube
  • ModelRC-001
  • MPNRC-001
  • PartNumberRC-001
  • ProductGroupPC Accessory
  • PublisherRobotCube
  • StudioRobotCube
  • TitleRobotCube UNO Project Super Starter Kit with UNO, Power Supply, LCD, Servo, Prototype for Arduino
  • UPC746591611026