RoC Max Resurfacing
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RoC Max Resurfacing

RoC pioneered the use of retinol, the #1 recommended anti-aging cosmetic ingredient by dermatologists, and has spent years developing the next anti-aging breakthrough. This lightweight moisturizer combines RoC Retinol with an exclusive Resurfacing Serum to work together as one powerful system for maximum results. Together they stimulate skin's natural process to give you beautiful, younger-looking skin. Professional peels use chemical agents that strip the upper layers of skin, sometimes leading to irritation, discomfort, and redness. Results fade over time and additional peels are needed to maintain skin benefits. RoC Retinol Correxion Max Wrinkle Resurfacing System has been clinically proven to renew the look of your skin without harming skin's surface layers. After use, your skin will not only look younger and more vibrant, but will also feel dramatically smoother. In clinical testing, the dermatologist also observed significant improvements in the appearance of: Crow's feet fine lines, cheek wrinkles, uneven skin tone, overall skin appearance, sun damage, smoothness. Professional Expertise. RoC has been a leading French skincare brand for over 50 years, devoted to developing anti-aging products that guarantee visible and lasting results for healthier, younger-looking skin. Strong partnerships with dermatologists have contributed to our expertise in understanding skincare and developing clinically proven products, which are highly effective, yet suitable for all skin types.

  • BindingMisc.
  • BrandRoC
  • LabelRoc
  • ManufacturerRoc
  • PartNumberPT-QWDM-6ZS9
  • ProductGroupBeauty
  • ProductTypeNameBEAUTY
  • PublisherRoc
  • StudioRoc
  • TitleRoC Max Resurfacing