It's common to name the MC5 and the Stooges among the forefathers of what they call ''punk rock,'' but it was their associates in a third band, the Up, who could more accurately be identified as the real precursors of punk. In fact, if you trace the punk-rock lineage back to the Ramones-and many do the connection- is even clearer, because the Ramones were really little more than a watered-down, cheapened clone of the once-mighty Up of Detroit and Ann Arbor. This determined quartet of ''killer skinnies from the Murder City'' were not as skilled in music and stagecraft as their stablemates in the MC5, nor as charismatic as their colleague Jim Osterberg (Iggy Pop) and his band The Stooges, but they dedicated every fiber of their being to playing high-energy rock n' roll that was designed to inspire their audiences to leave the square world behind and come and join the revolution.
The Complete UP recordings/Deluxe packaging includes DVD of unseen film plus a set of facsimile gig flyers/Booklet includes extensive liner notes by American Michigan Rock specialist Ken Shimamoto with involvement from original bassist Gary Rasmussen/Booklet includes never before seen photographs of the band