Rise of the Anti-Media: In-Forming America's Concealed Weapon Carry Movement (2013 Edition)
The only comprehensive discussion of the American Concealed Weapon Movement that has appeared in print, Professor BrIan Anse Patrick traces the emergence and diffusion of this powerful and successful citizens' movement. Patrick shows how a New American Gun Culture has mobilized, created its own media systems (anti-media) and, by means of what he call horizontal interpretive communities, has overcome deeply entrenched, top-down professional opposition (including well-organized vertical propaganda systems delivered by mass media) to establish a new political information system in which Second Amendment rights have been recognized unambiguously as a fundamental individual right. This new informational sociology has empowered citizens in the most important informational battle of modern times--namely the right to interpret the meaning of reality for themselves, instead of having it interpreted for them by the elite propagandists who interpret it in self-interested ways at the expense of freedom.