Revolutionary Fucking Leader: Quit Being So Vanilla. Unleash Greatness. Have It All.
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Revolutionary Fucking Leader: Quit Being So Vanilla. Unleash Greatness. Have It All.

For how long now, have you been saying you're going to step up and own who you are?

As a leader -

As a revolutionary -

As someone who has something worth saying -

And as someone who is going to bloody well say it, do something with it, maybe even impact the world!

COMPLETELY on your terms.

Well?! How long?

You know what - it doesn't even matter. A day, a year, your life, who cares? The POINT is that when you say you want a different life, when you realise what's possible, when you have ideas and dreams and visions of how it COULD be come to you and when you then do precisely FUCK ALL ABOUT IT?

That makes me angry at you.

Of course there's no reason at all why you should care what I think. And of course if I AM angry at you it's because I see something of me in you and the truth is I'm angry at me quite a lot! In the nicest possible way :) but you know what, no fuck it - I am fucking angry at you.

And I'll be damned if you're going to try and tell me that YOU are okay with this ... this VERSION of yourself. With PLAYING PRETEND LIVING when you have one life, it's happening now, and NOW is the time for you to step up and chase down EVERYTHING you ever wanted.

So enough.

Enough fucking around.

Enough screwing over the future you, who is looking back right now mouth hanging open and wondering when the FUCK you're going to get your shit together and if you are in fact trying to kill that future you before it ever even has a chance.

Enough playing small -

Safe -

Scared -

Vanilla cupcake.

Gloves off baby.

It's time to fly.

About Kat Loterzo

Kat Loterzo is a multiple best-selling Amazon author, a speaker and a multi-passionate 'can not focus on one thing' entrepreneur, as well as a slightly over the top enthusiast of all things caffeine and chocolate related!

Kat writes about pressing play and creating the business and life of your dreams,, and she sends out daily 'Messages of Asskickery' via her blog at Kat is currently living location free, in pretty much any sunny place with great wifi that she can find, with her husband and 2 small children.

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  • TitleRevolutionary Fucking Leader: Quit Being So Vanilla. Unleash Greatness. Have It All.
  • ManufacturerKatrina Ruth
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-06-21T14:46:41.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook