Reprogram Your Subconscious - How to Use Hypnosis to Get What You Really Want (8 Compact Discs plus a Bonus Disc, Original Nightingale-Conant Edition)
In Reprogram Your Subconscious: How to Use Hypnosis to Get What You Really Want, highly respected, board-certified hypno-counselor Gale Glassner Twersky, A.C.H., Ct. H.A., introduces you to the remarkable power of hypnosis to create specific and positive permanent changes applicable to every aspect of your life. In this fascinating program, which includes both tutorial and experiential sessions, you'll discover the mechanics behind the process of hypnosis: how the subconscious receives and interprets information and how to "speak" to it in exactly the right way. You'll learn how hypnosis can correct your misperceptions by revising old stored messages and reprogramming the emotional responses that are subconsciously responsible for undesirable outcomes. As a lifelong teacher with a broad range of instructional experience, Gale is highly skilled at communicating even challenging concepts with clarity and graceful ease. People have successfully used hypnosis for countless reasons, including: * Releasing counterproductive behaviors, such as smoking and overeating. * Retaining a positive attitude. * Relaxing and enjoying a better night's sleep. * Eliminating bad financial habits. * Lowering blood pressure. * Increasing memory retention and concentration ability. * Overcoming shyness and improving speaking skills. * Maintaining peace of mind and controlling anger. * Recovering from surgery faster and with better results.