Regelle Vaginal Moisturiser - Pack of 6 Tubes
Box containing 6 Regelle appicators, 18 days supply. Regelle is a vaginal gel intended for the symptomatic relief of vaginal atrophy, dryness, itching, irritation & discomfort. Regelle is not intended for use as a substitute for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), but it is a non-hormonal alternative where oestrogen therapy is not indicated. It may be given concomitantly with HRT for the symptomatic relief of vaginal atrophy. Multiple applications of the gel result in a change of pH towards the normal physiological range of premenopausal women. Regelle is designed to bind to the vaginal epithelial cells and maintain hydration, leading to an improvement in vaginal fluid volume, moisture and elasticity without changing vaginal mucosal cytology.