Red - Power Rangers Megaforce - Advanced Graphics Life Size Cardboard Standup
Jason is a martial artist from the fictional town of Angel Grove, California. In the beginning of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he is selected by Zordon and Alpha 5, along with his closest friends Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston, Trini Kwan, and Kimberly Hart, as the five "teenagers with attitude" to become the original Power Rangers and defend Earth from the forces of the evil Rita Repulsa. When Zordon first confronts the teens to give them their powers, Jason is the only one who initially believes him. Jason becomes the Red Power Ranger, is given the Power Coin of the Tyrannosaurus "Dinozord" (a type of Transformer-esque robot), and is made the team leader. At first glance, Jason appears to be the stereotypical jock type, primarily interested in sports-particularly martial arts. Beneath the surface, however, he is big-hearted, outgoing, friendly, and always willing to help someone out when it is needed-such as when he takes Billy under his wing and teaches him martial arts to boost his confidence and teach him self-defense. Life-size cardboard standup of Red - Power Rangers Megaforce stands at a size of 67" x 24".How to Set Up Your Standup: 1. Unfold standup and easel. Â Lay standup face down on a clean, flat surface. 2. Fold easel up along the long vertical crease that runs the length of the standup. 3. Lift upper and lower tab to lock easel in place. 4. Attach upper tab to top of easel. About Advanced Graphics:Â Since 1984, Advanced Graphics has been committed to producing the highest quality Cardboard Standups and Custom Prints in the world. We are the worldwide industry leader in the licensing and distribution of Cardboard Standups. We are also the #1 source for Licensed and Custom cardboard standups in the industry. Our goal is to provide the highest quality prints to our customers. We put our customers first and will continue to provide the best customer service to those who keep us in business.