Real World Labor, 2nd Edition
With more than 80 articles by leading writers and scholars of the labor movement, this essential anthology addresses recent changes in the nature of work and wages; discrimination by race, gender, and immigration status; militarism and its effects on the working class; union responses to the global financial meltdown; and new forms of rank-and-file organizing and resistance. The second edition includes two dozen new articles on today's changing labor movement.
Contributors include: David Bacon, Kim Bobo, Patrick Bond, Heather Boushey, Roger Bybee, Aviva Chomsky, Steve Early, Elise Gould, Bill Fletcher Jr., Staughton Lynd, Arthur MacEwan, Immanuel Ness, Thomas Palley, Frances Fox Piven, Robert Pollin, Paddy Quick, Peter Rachleff, and others.