RSpec Star Analyser 100 Astronomical Diffraction Grating, SA-100
The Paton Hawksley Star Analyser diffraction grating splits starlight so you can study stellar spectra. This astronomical quality grating is ruled with 100 lines/mm, making it an ideal device to see the entire spectra of a star or planet.
Mounted in a 1.25" standard filter cell, use the Star Analyser grating with a webcam, astronomical FITS camera or (with our AD-55 adapter) your DSLR. The grating is blazed to maximize the brightness of the first order specta.
Capture the spectra of Vega. See the methane atmosphere on Neptune. Detect the red shift of a quasar and the Doppler shift of bright supernovae.
You can process your images in our RSpec-Astro, our real-time spectroscopy software.