Features -¾ Distance - Induce over 8 times more current than traditional transmitters. More current means you can walk and trace further than ever before. -¾ Versatility - Power options include Lithium-Ion 18 V rechargeable battery, six D-cell batteries, or an external 10-28 VDC power source. -¾ Accuracy - Induce more current at lower frequencies. Lower frequencies are less prone to jump onto other lines in congested areas reducing distortion and increasing accuracy. -¾ Speed - When used with a SR-24 Bluetooth-enabled locator, you can control the ST-33Q+ settings wirelessly from the SR-24 receiver. Change transmitted frequency remotely from up to 200 yards away.
Direct Connect (pre-programmed): 128 Hz, 1 kHz, 8 kHz, 33 kHz, 93 kHz, 262 kHZ* Direct Connect (user programmed) Any Frequency from 10 Hz €“ 490 kHz* Induction 8 kHz or 33 kHz * Up to 93 kHz for devices sold in Europe
Other Specifications
Max Power 10 Watts Bluetooth Max Wireless Range 200 yards (183 meters)