RBH Sound EP-3 Noise Isolating Earphones
EP3 Noise Isolating Earphones deliver the high fidelity our company is known for to your iPhone©, iPod©, MP3 player, smart phone or other personal audio player. Our continuous quest for optimal performance led us to the use of ceramic housing. Ceramic due to its relatively neutral acoustic properties, improves audio performance resulting in high fidelity while providing a polished visually stunning appearance. The microphone and smartphone control module adds several convenience functions with just the push of a button. By activating functions with a single button, the earphones become almost hands-free with the microphone close to the mouth and jaw area for clearer conservations. Regular earbuds, like the ones that come with your player, just can't match the EP3's performance, control or noise isolation capabilities! These durable and stylish earphones come with a protective carrying pouch, a cord clip, ear cushions of two types: ComplyTM Foam Tips in medium and large, and silicone ear cushions in small, medium and large for a comfortable and personalized fit.