Quick 10 Stain Remover by Instagone
Simply spray on, wait a Quick10 seconds, and wipe clean.
It leaves everything from carpets to marble spotless and residue free! Professional - Strength, Super - Concentrated Formula.
• Great on All Carpets and Upholsteries in Home,Cars, RVs & Boats.
• Safely Eliminates Pet Odors!
• Stains Do Not Come Back!
• Great for Heavy Traffic Areas!
• Leaves Carpets and Upholsteries Soft!
• Prespray For Laundry Stain Remover!
Unsurpassed for removing coffee, tea, wine, soda, juice, catsup, grease and blood stains. Non-toxic and highly effective on pet stains and odors. Use safely on carpets, upholstery, drapes, leather and vinyl